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Los productos de Gentl son orgánicos y libres de químicos agresivos, látex y lana. Los artículos de color utilizan tintes semisintéticos; los artículos sin teñir son 100% naturales.
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Sí, está hecho con 95% algodón orgánico, libre de pesticidas dañinos y fertilizantes sintéticos.
¿Cómo debo cuidar este producto?
Lavar a máquina con agua a 30ºC. Usar plancha a baja temperatura. Evitar suavizantes de telas.
¿El artículo encogerá?
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Very cool boxers!
The linen feels great. I was pleasantly surprised by the fit. A lot of boxers can be baggy. These have a slimmer fit, but not tight.
Ryan WembleyUnderwear are perfect
These linen underwear are perfect! So beautiful and airy. They arrived on time and the fit is great. If you want it more loose, I recommend to size up one size.
Jack GreeneFits well
Neatly made, fits well. Linen becomes more soft with use, which makes it more pleasant to wear. Good purchase.
Adam SimpsonComfortable
The linen is just so nice, I never had linen underwear, it's just so comfortable!
Owen MorganQuality underwear
Very pretty, nice quality! Finally some quality underwear for men. Thanks!
Paul manningAwesome
The wooden button is awesome! Such a great addon to the minimal design.
Alan MackayElastic quality good
I really like how there elastic is so thin and not very tight on the waist
SamGood quality
Good quality, easy to clean, dry quickly. It's very comfortable and airy. it fits just perfectly. I ordered all 3 colors but the blue is my favorite.
Bridie GerlachGreat quality
Top quality,my favourite boxers! Have to buy more, it is perfect!
Osvaldo GreenGreat Product
The style is very nice, and looks great on the body.
Sam WilkinsBeautiful product
Beautifully made, exactly what I was expecting.
Stewart Nolanreally nice
Feels really nice. Has a slight cool touch to it. I will order more, worth the price. The construction is very well thought out.
Boris JohnstonGood product
Good product, the linen is amazing, good finishing. I’ll surely buy some more. Recommended!!
Caroline VanceFeels really nice. Has a very soft touch to it. I will order more, worth the price. The design is very minimal and well though out.
gentlVery cool boxers!
The linen feels great. I was pleasantly surprised by the fit. A lot of boxers can be baggy. These have a slimmer fit, but not tight.
Ryan WembleyUnderwear are perfect
These linen underwear are perfect! So beautiful and airy. They arrived on time and the fit is great. If you want it more loose, I recommend to size up one size.
Jack GreeneFits well
Neatly made, fits well. Linen becomes more soft with use, which makes it more pleasant to wear. Good purchase.
Adam SimpsonComfortable
The linen is just so nice, I never had linen underwear, it's just so comfortable!
Owen MorganQuality underwear
Very pretty, nice quality! Finally some quality underwear for men. Thanks!
Paul manningAwesome
The wooden button is awesome! Such a great addon to the minimal design.
Alan MackayElastic quality good
I really like how there elastic is so thin and not very tight on the waist
SamGood quality
Good quality, easy to clean, dry quickly. It's very comfortable and airy. it fits just perfectly. I ordered all 3 colors but the blue is my favorite.
Bridie GerlachGreat quality
Top quality,my favourite boxers! Have to buy more, it is perfect!
Osvaldo GreenGreat Product
The style is very nice, and looks great on the body.
Sam WilkinsBeautiful product
Beautifully made, exactly what I was expecting.
Stewart Nolanreally nice
Feels really nice. Has a slight cool touch to it. I will order more, worth the price. The construction is very well thought out.
Boris JohnstonGood product
Good product, the linen is amazing, good finishing. I’ll surely buy some more. Recommended!!
Caroline VanceFeels really nice. Has a very soft touch to it. I will order more, worth the price. The design is very minimal and well though out.